Maria Montessori says that the most important plane of development of a human being is the plane up to six years of age. We have this in mind when we take a very personally approach in Perlička to each child and their family.
In collaboration with parents, we support each child so that the treasure hidden within can come to the surface and benefit not only the child, but everyone else as well.
In Perlička, to do so we use an environment prepared with care and love, with knowledge and experience, an environment that beckons the child to build themselves through their own effort and exploration to be happy and to be aware of their own needs and the needs of others. Our enthusiastic guides use the powerful tool of observation and of daily records, to follow the child and to connect them to the environment that invites them to use their senses for their own exploration, repetition, experimenting and discovery, for developing practical, mathematical and language skills, interested in the whole world and people therein.
Children like to work by themselves, but equally like to work together, they work for the good of the entire class, they are empathetic towards the others and the whole class. Through all of this, they develop their good qualities.
All this takes place in two Perlička Primary classes – in the English class Seahorses and in the Czech one Chobotničky (Little Octopi), in cooperation with each family who are offered individual consultations whenever needed, and twice a year for all.
The Perlička Primary School curriculum runs from 8:00 am to 3:45 pm.
8.00 – 8.30 | příchod dětí |
8.30 – 11.30 | pracovní cyklus, individuální svačinka |
11.30 – 12.15 | oběd |
12.15 | odchod dětí, které ten den odchází po obědě |
12.15 – 12.30 | příprava na odpočinek |
12.30 – 13.30 | odpočinek, práce či skupinky ve třídě pro ty, kteří neusnuli |
13.30 – 16.00 | pobyt venku na zahradě, individuální svačinka |
15.00 – 15.45 | vyzvedávání dětí |
16.00 | zamykání školky |
Parents can bring their children to the school earlier (7 – 8 am) and pick them up later (4 – 5 pm)
During this time outside the curriculum, supervision by an educator is provided in the form of babysitting. The children’s attendance at the school outside the curriculum is not included in the tuition and is paid separately.
English Language
Program ctností
The „Virtues Program“ is incorporated into the children’s daily routine. The program focuses on promoting the virtues – good qualities such as courtesy, kindness, perseverance, love of order, patience, consideration, cooperation and other wonderful gifts of the heart – in everyday situations.
Extracurricular Activities
In the afternoons (2:45-3:30 pm), children can attend extracurricular activities in the school building. These activities are taken care of by external tutors and are paid separately. They include a dance and a ceramics clubs.
Special Events for the Primary School
Every month, Perlička invites theater productions, interactive programs for and with children on specific topics, music programs, programs with live animals in the gym as well as in the yard, prevention programs focused on health, or screening in the mobile planetarium, and other interesting events, to be performed for children in the school. These programs are not included in the tuition fee.
Every year, there is a UNICEF Fair for parents and children, a pre-Christmas Tri-Festival, Spring Workshops, Spring Voluntary work in the yard with barbecue, and a Garden Party, and sometimes also the Perlička Ball.
Parents in the Classroom
After a prior agreement, the parents of children can bring a musical instrument to the classroom, talk about it and play if for the other children in the class. Parents are also invited, also after a prior agreement, to bring their pet to the classroom and talk about it with their child.
By appointment, parents can spent some time with their child in the classroom on the “Day of their Child” and prepare a brief program for the other children on the life of their family.
School in Nature
What children love is the annual June School in Nature which we spend in Rusava in the Hostýn Hills. Each School in Nature has its own theme and we spent most of our time outdoors in the beautiful nature. Children over the age of 4 can sign up for the School in Nature; children not going have a program in Perlička.
Children have morning and afternoon snacks and lunch. All the meals are delivered from the Novolíšeňská school cafeteria. The meals are paid separately.
Outdoor Stay
The children go outside to our yard every day where they can work in the sandbox, in the flowerbeds, use the jungle gym, scooters and balance bikes, play houses, work on the workbench, use a hammer, draw with chalk on the pavement and the outdoor board, work with water, use sports equipment, play various organized and own games.
In addition, some mornings the children go on expeditions to the beautiful surroundings of the Svitava River or the adjacent meadows.
Primary and Elementary School Together in One Building
There’s a lot going on in Perlička! Children of all ages inspire and get inspired by, one another when they meet every day in one place, when they help each other, communicate, consider and respect different needs. For example, the children from the Elementary like to come to the Primary to read to the children or show them how to work with Montessori materials.
And what is also an indisputable advantage is that children of one family go to one place that they love, and the Primary children look forward to continuing their elementary studies at the Perlička School that they know.

Martina Schejbalová
hlavní průvodkyně ve třídě Chobotničky

Lucie Frčková
průvodkyně ve třídě Chobotničky

Kristýna Peterková
průvodkyně ve třídě Chobotničky

Nishani Ranjula
hlavní průvodkyně ve třídě Seahorses

Barbora Sabatulová
průvodkyně ve třídě Seahorses